Thursday, August 26, 2010

Current video game loves

So recently I have hit a point in my video gaming where I had to decide what I wanted to play and what seemed like the best use of money for the time available. I have been playing World of Warcraft on and off for quite a few years and again decided it was time to hang up the keyboard reigns and see if it's something I want to come back to at a later date. Biggest problems with WoW were too much time needed to be spent to attain almost nothing in the game, plus fellow players decided that unless you spend all your time getting the best of everything. . .you're not worth the time to join them on adventures.

I picked up Starcraft II on release night thinking it would be a game I play "when I don't have enough time to get on WoW, and when's that gonna happen?". Well, it happened fairly quickly and now I am very thankful for picking up the game that allows both single player play and multiplayer play for free along with the ability to talk to all my friends who still play World of Warcraft.

My future of gaming is pretty well set in my eyes. I could always go play the new expansion to WoW, but at this point why bother since once I get back to the same point I'm at now with higher levels and new looks. . .seems pretty pointless. Plus the minute they announce and drop the release date on Star Wars: The Old Republic I am gone from WoW until further notice. . .which as far as I can tell will be forever.

Bioware and Lucas Arts have teamed up to make what looks like one of the most extensive and in depth MMO's of all time and I am ready to dive in (hint hint Bioware...send me that beta invite pls!!!!). If you like MMO's, Star Wars, or anything of the like go check out the SWTOR website and see the awesomeness that is coming out way.

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